You are currently viewing iQMedix Ärztekongress 2024: Die moderne personalisierte Tumortherapie in der Praxisanwendung

iQMedix Medical Congress 2024: Modern personalized tumor therapy in practice application

We would like to invite you to our congress for personalized oncology on Sat., June 08, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. invite you. We would like to offer you a day of exciting presentations on cancer diagnostics and personalized therapy in practice. We look forward to welcoming you to our new premises.

The number of places is limited, please register early by 12.05.2024 at the latest. Participation is restricted to doctors and specialists. The congress is free of charge for you!

The congress will take place at Cubex One, Franz-Volhard-Straße 5, 68167 Mannheim.

You will learn:
The practical advantages of liquid biopsy and gene expression diagnostics
What treatment successes can be achieved in practice
News on the development of cancer diagnostics and therapeutics

An informative day with unique speakers:
Complementary oncology - methods and results (Dr. med. Wessolly, physician)
Long-lasting success with combined off-label therapies for advanced malignant tumors (Dr. med. Brockmann, physician, radiation oncologist)
Success with the complementary supplementation of oncological guideline therapy (Dr. med. Kilarski, physician)
Liquid biopsy - possibilities and limits (Dr. rer. nat. Steffan, molecular biologist, senior scientist at iQMedix)
Glioblastoma, immunity and the influence of metabolic polyphormisms (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marion Schneider, Research and Diagnostics, Ulm University Hospital)
What's in the pipeline? New developments in cancer therapeutics (Dr. rer. nat. Kremoser, molecular biologist, Managing Director WMT)

You can register at:

We look forward to welcoming you to Mannheim!