Metavectum Complete

The blood test for a comprehensive analysis of your tumor activity

The Metavectum Complete Test performs a complete panel of 80+ gene expressions. The test focuses on the genes that control tumor growth and characterize the cancer.

The advantage of the Metavectum Complete Test is that, regardless of the type of cancer, a complete picture of all relevant activities of a tumour is recorded and thus personalized and targeted therapy options are identified for the patient. Depending on the stage of the disease, individualized therapy approaches are obtained that are both as effective as possible and have as few side effects as possible.

The Metavectum Complete Test obtains gene expression profiles from the patient's blood.
Gene expression indicates the extent to which a gene is active and thus also the signaling and metabolic pathways in the tumor cell that depend on it. 

Based on scientific studies, the Metavectum Complete Test analyzes which approved drugs, including chemotherapeutics, targeted drugs and immunotherapies as well as natural substances or off-label drugs, can normalize the misdirected genes. The results of the test are presented in an easy-to-understand detailed report.

In the course of the disease, the test is used during and after tumor therapy to obtain information about incipient metabolic changes that indicate a recurrence or early signs of metabolic decline, e.g. cachexia. The therapy can then be adjusted accordingly.

The Metavectum Complete Test provides decisive findings regarding

Metavectum select

Comprehensive personalized tumor diagnostics for complementary therapeutics

The Metavectum Select test performs a complete panel of 80+ gene expressions. The test focuses on the genes that control tumor growth and characterize the cancer.

The advantage of the Metavectum Select Test is that a complete picture of all relevant activities of a tumour is recorded, regardless of the type of cancer, and thus personalized and targeted therapy options are identified for the patient. Tailored to the early stages of the disease, individualized complementary therapy approaches are obtained that are both as effective as possible with as few side effects as possible.

The Metavectum Select Test obtains gene expression profiles from the patient's blood.
Gene expression indicates the extent to which a gene is active and thus also the signaling and metabolic pathways in the tumor cell that depend on it. For example, excessive BCL2 expression can indicate that natural cell death in the tumor is being prevented and that treatment with turmeric, metformin and aspirin, for example, is a possible therapeutic option.

Based on scientific studies, the Metavectum Select Test analyzes which complementary medicines, including natural substances or off-label medicines, can normalize the dysregulated genes. The results of the test are presented in an easy-to-understand, detailed report.

In the course of the disease, the test is used during and after tumor therapy to obtain information about incipient metabolic changes that indicate a relapse or an early metabolic decline, e.g. into cachexia. The therapy can then be adjusted accordingly.

The Metavectum Complete Test provides decisive findings regarding

Metavectum Prevent

The blood test for the early detection of cancer

Tumors release cancer cells into the blood very early on (circulating or disseminated tumor cells - DTC). If these cells settle elsewhere in the body, they develop into metastases. Metavectum Prevent detects circulating tumor cells in the blood at a very early stage, when imaging procedures (ultrasound, CT, MRI) do not yet indicate anything.

If a larger number of such cells are found, the Metavectum Select or Metavectum Complete test can be connected without having to take blood again.
This allows tumors to be detected at an early stage and treated appropriately. Early treatment usually significantly increases success and the chances of survival. The gentler treatment options in the early stages also mean that significantly fewer side effects can be expected.

The Metavectum Prevent advantages

Submission of samples

40 ml of blood is required for the Metavectum tumor test (taken with our blood collection kit)

Get in touch with us if you are interested. 

We will send you our blood collection kit free of charge in advance. Together with our blood collection kit, you will also receive our test order form.

The blood sample is taken by the doctor you trust. 

The "Molecular oncology examination request" form must be completed and in particular all signatures are available.

Make an appointment with us at least one day before the blood sample is taken by email or by telephone a collection by our logistics partner. We require the location, date and a time window of 2 hours for the courier service.

  • For the normal "liquid biopsy" Metavectum tumor test, 40 ml of blood is required (taken with our blood collection set).
  • For certain tumors (prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer) an additional 200 ml of urine is required (corresponding container enclosed).
  • The Metavectum tumor test can alternatively or additionally be performed with paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE) or fresh tissue stored on dry ice (-80 °C).

Please send us your clinic reports/anamneses with the form or the analysis samples. 

There should be at least 10-14 days between the blood sample and the last dose of chemotherapy or an operation, otherwise the results could be falsified. 

Since many medications can influence gene expression, we ask you to also indicate the medications you are currently taking. 

You do not need to be sober for the blood test.



frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions? Talk to us!

Testing genetic expression levels of cancer cells refers to analyzing the activity of genes in cancer cells that affect the strength of gene expression. This provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer

The analysis of genetic expression values enables a detailed characterization of cancer cells and can help to understand the metabolic and signaling activities of the cancer, predict its progression and develop personalized therapeutic approaches.

The test provides information about the patterns of gene activity involved in the development of cancer. This can provide information about the aggressiveness of the tumor, possible therapeutic approaches and the prognosis.

Usually become the Tumor cells from one Blood sample Extractt, followed by analysis of the RNA to determine the activity of genes. The tumor cells can also be obtained from a biopsy, from urine, Liqor or ascites are removed.

The blood sample can be taken by your doctor and is a minor, largely painless procedure.

The results can help their medical team create personalized treatment plans by selecting therapies that target the specific genetic characteristics of the tumor.

We offer Metavectum Prevent as a preventive test. This test looks for the presence of tumor cells in the blood sample. If these are present in increased numbers, this indicates an active tumor in the body. In this case, a complete gene expression test can be connected and early action can be taken to combat the tumor.

The costs vary depending on the complexity of the testing and the technologies used. In some cases, these costs can be covered by insurance. Talk to us, we will be happy to provide information at any time.

The duration depends on the specific test. The results are usually available within two weeks.

Reliability depends on several factors, including the test method and the quality of the sample taken. In many cases, liquid Biopsy-tests are a reliable addition to other diagnostic methods.