Liquid Biopsy:
Comprehensive Individual cancer diagnostics

iQMedix exists to improve the lives of cancer patients. Every person is unique, and every cancer is unique. Our approach includes an in-depth molecular analysis of the patient from a liquid biopsy, which enables the doctor to develop the best therapies.

Our Approach

Determination of gene expression profiles from circulating tumor cells by liquid biopsy

Every tumor is different. It is therefore essential to obtain as much information as possible about your individual cancer.

Molecular profiling from a painless liquid biopsy can detect specific signals in your tumor. Based on these signals, your medical team can determine whether certain drugs or therapies might work well in treating your cancer.

Metavectum Prevent

Early recognition and action

The Metavectum Prevent test from blood enables an early and cost-effective check to detect hidden cancer activity in your body even before an imaging procedure can detect it. Gain peace of mind with Liquid Biopsy and act early.

Metavectum Select

for natural substances and off-label drugs

The Metavectum Select Test separates circulating blood cells from your liquid biopsy blood sample. From these, the activity level of more than 80 important genes of your tumor is determined. This is used to determine which natural and off-label substances can be effective for your tumor. 

Metavectum Complete

For comprehensive therapy options

The Metavectum Complete Test separates circulating blood cells from your liquid biopsy blood sample. From these, the activity level of more than 80 important genes of your tumor is determined. This is used to determine which authorized drugs(chemotherapeutic agents, targeted drugs and immunotherapies), as well as Natural and off-label substances can be effective for your tumor. 

Our commitment


Our vision is a world in which cancer becomes a manageable disease, thanks to personalized therapeutic approaches based on innovative genomic research that give every patient hope, a cure and a fulfilling life.


We use the latest developments in biotechnology to understand cancer as fully as possible and use this knowledge to outwit and defeat it.



Since August 1, 2023, the renowned Metavectum GmbH is now called iQMedix GmbH. It is a new beginning in a new environment. Metavectum, a leading gene laboratory, is known for its pioneering developments in the field of gene expression of circulating tumor cells. Metavectum's proven techniques and products will be retained, and with new investments and a strengthened team of highly qualified experts, the company will work intensively to further advance personalized cancer therapy and pave innovative paths for the future of individualized, causal medicine.
Thank you for your trust. We look forward to moving forward with you into a promising future. 

With best regards, yours
Dr. Bert Steffan, Dr. Bernd Becker, Dr. Reinhard Becker
Managing Director iQMedix GmbH

The World Congress of integrative Oncology took place from September 26 - 29, 2023 in Ludwigsburg. iQMedix was represented with a stand and met with great interest from the oncology experts who had traveled from all over the world.

The 56th Medical Week Baden-Baden will take place from November 01 - 05, 2023 at the Kongresshaus Baden-Baden. iQMedix will be represented with a booth. In addition to the proven Metavectum Complete test, we will be presenting the new Metavectum Prevent test.

Metavectum Prevent enables early detection of an unknown tumor developing in the body via a simple blood test. If a tumor is present, the Metavectum Complete test can be carried out without having to send in blood again. By starting treatment early, you have the best possible chance of long-lasting success and a symptom-free life for all types of cancer.

Our offer met with lively interest among visitors to the Medical Week in Baden-Baden!

iQMedix will be represented at MEDIZIN 2024 at the Stuttgart Exhibition Center. We will be happy to provide you with personal information about our latest products and services. Come and visit us!

Get in touch with us!

Gain precise insights into your cancer with us!

Our address

iQMedix GmbH

Franz-Volhard-Str. 5

68167 Mannheim

Talk to us:

+49 (0)621 5957 0500


frequently asked questions

Do you have any questions? Talk to us!

The testing of gene expressions of tumor cells refers to the analysis of the activity of genes in tumor cells, which is reflected in the strength of gene expressions. This provides insights into the molecular mechanisms of cancer

The analysis of gene expression values enables a detailed characterization of tumor cells and can help to understand the metabolic and signaling activities of the tumor, predict its progression and develop personalized therapeutic approaches.

The test provides information about the patterns of gene activity involved in the development of cancer. This can provide information about the manipulation of the immune system by the tumor, resistance to drugs, the activity of relevant signals and possible therapeutic approaches.

Usually become the Tumor cells from one Blood sample Extractt, followed by analysis of the mRNA to determine the activity of genes. The tumor cells can also be obtained from a biopsy, from urine, Liqor or ascites are removed.

The blood sample can be taken by your doctor and is a minor, largely painless procedure.

The results can help their medical team create personalized treatment plans by selecting therapies that target the specific genetic characteristics of the tumor.

We offer Metavectum Prevent as a preventive test. This test looks for the presence of tumor cells in the blood sample. If these are present in increased numbers, this indicates an active tumor in the body. In this case, a complete gene expression test can be connected and early action can be taken to combat the tumor.

The costs vary depending on the complexity of the testing and the technologies used. In some cases, these costs can be covered by insurance. Talk to us, we will be happy to provide information at any time.

The duration depends on the specific test. The results are usually available within two weeks.

Reliability depends on several factors, including the test method and the quality of the sample taken. In many cases, liquid Biopsy-tests are a reliable addition to other diagnostic methods.